Writely (and Google) Raise Invitation Limits
Writely, the "simple & secure [online] document collaboration and publishing" tool has announced today an increase in invitation limits. "...We've just raised the new collaborator invitation limit from 20 to 50. And we've been working very hard (no vacations for the Writely gang) to move Writely to Google's systems, too."
read more | digg story
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Do you still want a Writely invitation? (From Digg.)
If you want it, email me (haochi.chen # gmail.com) or leave a message on on blog. (http://googlified.com)
Posted by Anonymous | Wed Apr 12, 02:36:00 PM
No...I havent given up blogging, I just moved to another site. My new site is;
I know, xanga, so childish. But all my friends were there, and I'd rather start a new blog them make them all come over here.
Hope all is going well for you.
Posted by Anonymous | Wed Apr 12, 08:27:00 PM