Site of the Week (3/11/05)
Look both ways.
I have actually been checking this site out for years now; a fellow college mate pointed it out and I have found it to be a useful resource. Especially for Bible studies. In the day and age where just about everything can be found online (or at least where to find everything can be found online), the devotionals and Bible studies are a bit easier. For more information, visit their site, or read their mission statement:
As a Christ-centered, for-profit corporation, we will create value for our customers, employees and shareholders by:
- Bringing glory to God in all that we do;
- Equipping people to grow in their faith and the practical application of it in their lives;
- Enhancing fellowship, communication and relationship-building within the Christian community; and
- Encouraging and enabling personal involvement in the care of those who are spiritually, emotionally, physically or financially poor.