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So, obviously I have not posted in awhile, but hopefully I can get back on that train. I suspect there are several reasons why I have neglected to post:
  1. I must admit my last post about text messaging was great... Definitely worth a posting in a newspaper or magazine (or an online blog). Therefore it would be tough to top a post like that.
  2. I have this preconceived notion that my post should be long. This is due to my friends posting very poetic blogs: Josh and Brandon.
  3. I care. I care what people think and I don't want to post something stupid or irrelevant or superfluous.
I suspect this will change soon for one reason: I bought a new laptop. It is a Dell, so it needs to be delivered and won't get to me for a couple weeks. When I have something new to fiddle with, I love to spend a lot of time on it. However, I suspect I will get bored, but want to keep playing, so then, I'll post more... Enjoy.

About me

  • I'm supermn
  • From Colorado, United States
  • I am a Colorado native. For my entire life I have lived in this state. Born in Fort Collins, grew up in Colorado Springs, college in Fort Collins, and currently in Colorado Springs.
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